February 8, 2022

Spicy Tuna / Salmon

This recipe for Spicy Tuna (or Salmon) is excellent for sushi, deconstructed sushi bowls, atop crispy rice, or even as tartare.

This recipe for Spicy Tuna (or Salmon) is excellent for sushi, deconstructed sushi bowls, atop crispy rice, or even as tartare. The hardest part is mincing and slicing, but the rest is all about mixing and taste testing. You will be surprised how easily this comes together considering the flavor it delivers. In any case, I hope you enjoy!

P.S. If you have sushi making night with friends or family, making spicy tuna / salmon is a perfect way to utilize any unruly bits of seafood that didn’t quite make the cut. (Pun intended haha.)

Spicy Tuna / Salmon



  • 1 lb. raw, sushi-grade tuna or salmon, minced
  • 2 Tbs chives (optional)
  • 2 Tbs hot sesame oil
  • 1/4+ cup panko bread crumbs
  • 2 Tbs mayonaise
  • 2 Tbs sriracha


In a mixing bowl, combine all wet ingredients, then add the minced tuna and chives. Season to taste, then add panko just before ready to use. Adjust as needed.

Notes for Spicy Tuna / Salmon:

  • To tone down the spice, you can swap hot sesame oil for regular toasted sesame oil, and you can adjust the sriracha to preference. To turn up the heat, you can add more sriracha and also finely diced jalapeños.
  • If the mixture seems a little dry, add more sriracha, mayonnaise and/or oil. Alternatively, if you prefer a mixture that holds its shape better, then add more panko. Keep in mind that the panko absorbs moisture as it rests, so adjust accordingly. Personally, I use about 1/2 cup of panko for salmon since it is an oilier fish, and 1/4 cup panko for tuna.
  • For sushi, please use immediately. To keep the panko crisp, you can mix together all the ingredients ahead of time except for the panko, then stir in the panko when ready to use, to maintain the subtle crisp.
  • For tartare, arrange endive leaves onto a plate or serving platter, then scoop the mixture into the leaves. After, garnish to preference, then share and enjoy!

For more delicious recipes to create or pair alongside, visit the Kitchen Journal.